Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Toddler Red Swollen Toe

mobile learning? ... Andy

Manuel Acebedo I spoke in the International Workshop on Information Technologies and Communication for Development Cooperation of "Challenges for the integration of ICT in a networked cooperation." answer some questions and proposing initiatives:
(1) Human development in the network society. Internet can act in providing opportunities not only to meet needs. That can be theorized from the approach to the space of flows
of Castells . To Acebedo is not clear that the space of flows act the same way when it comes to the exchange of capital in a global market or to facilitate peripheral countries. To benefit from the network society must take into account a dimension often neglected, "the value of ICT in cooperation is a function of the information appropriate to the context where they apply." (2) ICT for development. Following the metaphor of the reed and fishing, the spread of ICTs is that they add value to the instrument. Not only allow fishing in the local context, but which puts people in 'mainstream' global. (3) Integrating ICT cooperation. How? Implementing them in all phases of project development, from needs analysis to impact assessment. (4) Networking for development. Difference between institutional and enabling networks: access to information versus knowledge generation, etc. Types of networks for development: corporate knowledge or topics, projects, projects, networking, open source and diasporas.

(5) Cooperation 2.0. The co-network is a different way to work from lattice dynamics, guidance for the generation of knowledge in the nodes and the use of information in the space of flows. The aim is to carry out a reengineering based on the knowledge gained from the co-network.


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