Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Desbloqueio Dvd Sony Dvp-sr200p

javascript libraries shared

One of the new features related to the inclusion of Javascript, is the possibility of creating of shared librearías Javascript. In fact, now is much better and orderly, so that you can dynamically incluis librearía and sharing between entities.
then show some screenshots of how to create a shared library:


Shared Resource

shared library functions


Add to Shopping


OnLoad Adding it

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Watch Cytherea Mandingo Free

CRM 2011 CRM 2011 Release Candidate version

Well, in the process Publication of a new version of CRM products, has reached one of the last steps, the Release Candidate.
This version builds up what is already available in beta, more comments, errors, etc encountered by users who have been testing this version.
is just the version prior to RTM, which will be final.

For more information about the version of CRM 2011 Release Candidate, go to the CRM Team Blog:
http://blogs.msdn.com/b/crm/archive/2010/12/14/microsoft-dynamics -crm-2011-release-candidate-rc-announcement.aspx


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Backyard Safari Tadpole

global CRM picklists 2011

Yes, in CRM 2011 (finally) We have a picklist that is shared among several entities.
Thus, we set down for such countries, provinces, types, classifications, etc. to be shared among several entities. So, just add a value in the picklist, be added to all entities.

The steps to create a picklist "global" (option sets) are as follows where I show an example of how to create and use a set Option "Countries":

Creation of Option September

Set the values \u200b\u200bof Countries

Publish Option Set

Using the Option Set to other entities (Account)

This type can be defined that can not be modified

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Hypnotized Korean Movie English

Designing Learning Environments in 3D Hybrid-

Apart from the advances in technology "hard" on my computer in the project Virtual Spain we are dedicated to basic social research. The party has both basic research makes it difficult to generate tangible products, but occasionally get something interesting. This is the abstract a paper in qeu we trabajanado:

technique Scenario-Based-Design (SBD) is used in the application development process and computer systems to be used by people to perform specific tasks. In this article we analyze the limits of this technique when applied to the design of social practice scenarios in highly immersive 3D environments. Based on the limitations of the SBD, we propose a series of methodological innovations generated in the context of basic research aimed at designing a learning environment based on advanced 3D technologies. As an approach to the concept of virtual worlds, which defines the scope by the project, details the process of socio-technical frame construction that underlies social practices provided in the 3D learning environment. It also builds the sequence used in design techniques from the approach to social innovation, as people, prototyping and story-telling. Finally, building on the progress reported, discussed the need for new conceptual and methodological tools to analyze new forms of sociability hybrid (online-offline) in which the limits of technological mediation are highly diffuse.

Friday, December 3, 2010

I Want Aetna How Much Should I Pay

Resources & open practices in formal educational settings ...

One of the unresolved issues on the road to sustainability of Open Educational Resources (OER) in education systems is their possible integration into the formal education courses. The fit of the OER in official courses - that is, its possible use as part of the learning materials, support tools metodolóigico and / or evaluation of knowledge resources - not only would ensure the reuse and maintenance their integrity as learning objects, but add value to the host systems, as they ensure a culture of openness, so far only found in some experiences of non-formal education.

In line with this approach, we designed a pilot project teaching innovation that aims to support the widespread use of open source and technologically mediated active methodologies in the field of an official master. The case involves the design and planning of the subject Knowledge Management in the Red of Officer Master Knowledge Society, the UNED . The planning will be based on open source hosted on the OCW UNED and a methodology based on the use of blogs and managed through the platform EduFeedr .

keep you informed ...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Parapelvic Cyst Alcohol

Alignments numeric fields

At the time, I published an article about how to align the right amounts in the columns of the views using JQuery ( http://crmtoall.blogspot.com/2010/03/alineando- amounts-the-right-in-vistas.html ).
Now I will explain a kind of alienation that is based on modifying the CRM your own classes, which of course is not supported, but we can change the way the CRM shows the numbers. How would


For grids: Edit the file "/ _grid / AppGrid.css.aspx" in class 'nobr.num' and add the text "text-align: right ".

For forms: Edit the file" / _forms / controls / controls.css.aspx 'class' INPUT.ms-crm-Number' and add the value "text-align: right".

De Thus, we can align to the right amounts.

a greeting! CRM